Funded amounts are intended to be used to reimburse bus shelter upgrades consistent with the shelter design standards approved by the CID Board of Directors and City of Alpharetta. The initial program, as approved, provides $40,000 in landscape and hardscape reimbursement funds per installation.
The program requires applicants to meet the following criteria to qualify for reimbursement:
1- The property must be located within the CID and the property owner must be current on all property tax payments.
2- The location must be within the public right-of-way.
3- The location must be a current MARTA bus stop, or a written agreement must be provided where MARTA has committed to add the stop as part of an existing or funded bus route.
4- No advertising may be located on or at the location of the bus stop.
For more information, please contact:
Kristin Winzeler, Program Director